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Version: 6.0.0


Generate a random mnemonic (total number 12) and using TRON path "m/44'/195'" by default, return the 0th account address and private key.




ParameterDescriptionData Type
passwordpassword of the mnemonic, optionalstring
pathBIP44 path, optional parameter. If you want to get an account other than index 0, you need to fill in this parameter, and the complete path is required.string
wordlistwordlist of the mnemonic, optionalObject


Object - Returns randomly created account information, including mnemonic, public key, and private key. If the entered BIP44 path does not start with m/44'/195', throw an exception - Error: Invalid tron path provided.


Get a mnemonic and the 0th account:

> TronWeb.createRandom();
> {
    "mnemonic": {
      "phrase": "draw sadness razor gospel weapon bike table gym gas woman burger usage",
      "password": "",
      "wordlist": {
        "locale": "en"
      "entropy": "0x4277becab26f842c773b40601f9c7af7"
    "privateKey": "0x953749cfb4b496cf54a4f5007c6dbced26e7cb8429b2b60d7a1224640dc1f523",
    "publicKey": "0x04577bbc5de931cfcede7d2c3a37ec181a2e6933f9c01b82d3d63ff98cff8d30f8aaf4c017649ead9df6c6a71961ce7168f19ca7c1f81d2a42a027d892dae82620",
    "address": "TEzJCRgq8nGzDtYm2b4QZDfxx5ReeUktrA",
    "path": "m/44'/195'/0'/0/0"

If you want to get an account with the custom path index, you can provide the path.

> TronWeb.createRandom('', "m/44'/195'/1'/0/0");
> {
  "mnemonic": {
    "phrase": "gain edit joke client ship food sock next peace gun pass chimney",
    "password": "",
    "wordlist": {
      "locale": "en"
    "entropy": "0x5ec8cde1156c60b5b384aaa1ccfe8294"
  "privateKey": "0x64146fd19f78cd88a0f0fb6ade717813e388a847d3ce4a6241134b5bc578a234",
  "publicKey": "0x04d78ff0916bf48630c2cbc2b32a0911ad9751850bf914f05b010cccbafcb1677646d9a805586f440a8c984d6641cb24e97c1e9aed56547f04d62b85859d29cd79",
  "address": "TYP9p8b3yK4P4i3YjPBVDuwYjLsSUEyuS5",
  "path": "m/44'/195'/1'/0/0"